[Tex/LaTex] latex – bold not bold enough in math


I tried to get characters in math-environment bold such that they look like this (picture taken from a book – pdf-sample: link):

Taken from a book on econometrics.

However, neither \mathbf{xyz} nor \boldsymbol{\mathrm{xyz}} work in order to get the characters bold enough. In fact it is hard to distinguish bold from non-bold characters. This is the code I tried:

As an application of these results, consider the case in which $\mathbf{X}_{1}$
is $\mathbf{i}$, a constant term that is a column of 1s in the first
column of $\mathbf{X}$. The solution for $b_{2}$ in this case will
then be the slopes in a regression that contains a constant term.
Using Theorem 3.2 the vector of residuals for any variable in $\mathbf{X}_{2}$
in this case will be



Is there a trick how one can get "extra-bold" characters?


PS: I've tried pretty much all proposals on how to get characters bold that I've found on the internet.

Best Answer

The following method only works in pdflatex. I use a pdf special to embolden the font, calling it \mathbbf[]{}. The optional argument allows an optional embolding factor to be specified (default 0.2).

In the MWE, the top line is \mathbbf, the next \mathbf, and the final is \textrm.

\input pdf-trans
  \boxgs{Q q 2 Tr \thickness\space w 0 0 0 rg 0 G}{}%



enter image description here