[Tex/LaTex] Labeling a point using TikZ


In the following code, I want to label the point (1,1) as "P." (It is not exciting, I know. It is part of a graph that I want to draw.) I have the code \node[above right, outer sep=2pt] (1,1) {P}; to do this. TikZ is putting the label above and to the right of the origin.

Why isn't TikZ putting the label above and to the right of (1,1)?

I have a grid placed on the Cartesian plane. With outer sep=2pt, I expected that some of the grid would be obscured by the label P. I want the letter "P" to stand out on the graph, and I think it would if some of the grid lines were obscured.



\draw[yellow] (-1.25,-1.25) grid[xstep=0.5, ystep=0.5]  (2.25,2.25);
\draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (0,2) +(0,0.5cm) node[above right] {$y$} -- (0,-1) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
\draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (-1,0) +(-0.5cm,0) -- (2,0) -- +(0.5cm,0) node[below right] {$x$};
\filldraw (1,1) circle[radius=1.5pt];
\node[above right, outer sep=2pt] (1,1) {P};


Best Answer

You can obscure the grid lines behind the node using fill=white. You can also do this if you use a pin which will draw a line from the point to the label. Or you could use the label option which is similar but without the line.




    \draw[yellow] (-1.25,-1.25) grid[xstep=0.5, ystep=0.5]  (2.25,2.25);
    \draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (0,2) +(0,0.5cm) node[above right] {$y$} -- (0,-1) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
    \draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (-1,0) +(-0.5cm,0) -- (2,0) -- +(0.5cm,0) node[below right] {$x$};
    \filldraw (1,1) circle[radius=1.5pt];
    \node [fill, draw, circle, minimum width=3pt, inner sep=0pt, pin={[fill=white, outer sep=2pt]135:P}] at (.5,1) {};
    \node[above right=10pt of {(1,1)}, outer sep=2pt,fill=white] {P};


labelling nodes