[Tex/LaTex] Label offsetting with multiple labels in Circuitikz


I have written the following code to draw the diagram of an RLC circuit:

(0,2) node[anchor=east] {1} to [short,*-] (0,2)
to[R,R=$R$] (4,2) node[anchor=west] {2} to [short,*-] (4,2)
to[L,L=$L$,i>=$i_{L}$] (4,0)
to[short,-*] (2,0) node[rground] {G} to [short] (0,0)
(0,0) to[C,C=$C$,mirror,v=$v_{C}$] (0,2)

I get the following result:

RLC Circuit with clashing labels - on the capacitor, and also G.

My settings are:


How do I fix it (offset the voltage label leftwards and center offset the G label)?

Best Answer

  1. For the "G" placement, you can use the label key.
  2. For the C component labels, mirror seems to mess label positioning, so you can use some xscale and manual shifting (first and two diagrams below), or to use yscale=-1 (third diagram below).

The code:



(0,2) node[anchor=east] {1} to [short,*-] (0,2)
to[R,R=$R$] (4,2) node[anchor=west] {2} to [short,*-] (4,2)
to[L,L=$L$,i>=$i_{L}$] (4,0)
to[short,-*] (2,0) node[rground,label=$G$] {} to [short] (0,0)
(0,0) to[C,C=$C$,xscale=3,mirror,v={$\hspace*{-12pt}v_{C}$}] (0,2)

(0,2) node[anchor=east] {1} to [short,*-] (0,2)
to[R,R=$R$] (4,2) node[anchor=west] {2} to [short,*-] (4,2)
to[L,L=$L$,i>=$i_{L}$] (4,0)
to[short,-*] (2,0) node[rground,label={120:$G$}] {} to [short] (0,0)
(0,0) to[C,C=$C$,xscale=3,mirror,v={$\hspace*{-12pt}v_{C}$}] (0,2)

  (0,2) node[anchor=east] {1} to [short,*-] (0,2)
  to[R,R=$R$] (4,2) node[anchor=west] {2} to [short,*-] (4,2)
  to[L,L=$L$,i>=$i_{L}$] (4,0)
  to[short,-*] (2,0) node[rground,label={120:$G$}] {} to [short] (0,0)
  (0,0) to[C,C=$C$,v={$v_{C}$},yscale=-1] (0,-2);


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