[Tex/LaTex] knitr & xcolor: incompatible color definition


I'm using knitr and RStudio to compile LaTeX. In my real project I'd like to use some options from the LaTeX package 'xcolor', but when I do include \usepackage[options]xcolor, I get the error message "Incompatible color definition on line xx" where "line xx" corresponds to knitrout blocks. I note that knitr emits \usepackage[]{color} to the .tex file, and if I change that to xcolor, all is well. But, I have a bigger project.

Here's a minimal example .Rnw file in which I try to use a named color for url links:



% hyperref setup:


<<setup, cache=FALSE, include=FALSE>>=
# Global chunk options
opts_chunk$set(keep.source=TRUE, fig.align='center')

A quick example. I like \texttt{knitr}: \url{http://yihui.name/knitr/}.

And now for some boring input and output.

x <- rnorm(100, 1, 0)



I've tried using the \PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames}{xcolor} workaround I've seen in other posts on xcolor, but to no avail.

Although this minimal example does give me a .pdf with sepia coloured links, but in the bigger project, the reams of incompatible color warnings makes it hard to find other LaTeX errors that I need to fix. (So I'm after cleaner log files, I guess.)

Best Answer

@Yihui's fix from the mailing list solved the problem for me:

knit_hooks$set(document = function(x) {sub('\\usepackage[]{color}', '\\usepackage{xcolor}', x, fixed = TRUE)})

Ps.: I've also raised an issue to that effect, as @Yihui requested.

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