Overleaf – Keybinding for Multiple Selection in ShareLaTeX


Quick question for those, who are well acquainted with Overleaf:
is there a keybinding that enables multiple selection? For example, when I work in the tabular environment, I select one \cellcolor command and see that all other instances of \cellcolor across the table are being put into frame. I would like to know if it possible to have multiple selections, so I can simultaneously edit all of them? I believe there should be some simple trick but I cannot find out.
Your advice is appreciated!

Best Answer

TL;DR the Ctrl+D as in Sublime Text or VS Code is Ctrl+Alt+Right in Overleaf.

The full list of keyboard shortcuts that work for me in Overleaf to create multiple cursors / selections:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Right (or additionally Ctrl+Alt+L in Vim mode): search for next occurence of word under cursor, add it to selection
  • Ctrl+Alt+Left (or additionally Ctrl+Alt+H in Vim mode): search for previous occurence of word under cursor, add it to selection
  • Ctrl+Alt+Down (or additionally Ctrl+Alt+J in Vim mode): add cursor one line below
  • Ctrl+Alt+Up (or additionally Ctrl+Alt+K in Vim mode): add cursor one line above

For these above, hold also Shift to skip items / lines.

  • Ctrl + click somewhere: add new cursor
  • Alt + click and drag through multiple lines: block selection, add multiple cursors
  • Ctrl+Alt+K if keybindings set to None: select all occurences of text under cursor

Furthermore, if using multiple selections with Vim mode, it's good to know that you need to press Shift+A or Shift+I to enter insert mode.

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