[Tex/LaTex] Itemize and curly braces at left


In the following examples,

how can I put the curly braces at the left side?

  \item Riemann Sum
  \item Trapezoidal Rule
  Simpson's 1/3 Rule
      \text{Newton Cotes formulae of different degrees}}$
  \item Simpson's 3/8 Rule

BTW, is there any method which avoids using math mode?

latex curly braces

I have tried the following which has failed as well:

\item item 1
\item item 2
\item item 3

Best Answer

You can use a minipage as follows:

Sample output



\item Riemann Sum
\item Newton Cotes formulae of different degrees
  \left\{ \quad
    \item Trapezoidal Rule
    \item Simpson's \( 1/3 \) Rule
    \item Simpson's \( 3/8 \) Rule


Alternatively you can use a tabular:



\item Riemann Sum
\item Newton Cotes formulae of different degrees
      Trapezoidal Rule \\
      Simpson's \( 1/3 \) Rule \\
      Simpson's \( 3/8 \) Rule


Sample output

This avoids having to specify the width, but means that you have to provide the itemize-like markup yourself.

As Schweinebacke points out there is also the varwidth environment from the varwidth package, that will replace minipage and you just specify a maximum width. However it behaves slightly differently: the itemize list is now at second level, so by default bullets are replaced by dashes, and there is a considerable left margin indentation. So if want the same type of appearance as before you need to modify the itemize style, e.g. via the enumitem package:




\item Riemann Sum
\item Newton Cotes formulae of different degrees
      \item Trapezoidal Rule
      \item Simpson's \( 1/3 \) Rule
      \item Simpson's \( 3/8 \) Rule


If you really want to avoid math mode and use tikz then you can use




\item Riemann Sum
\item Newton Cotes formulae of different degrees
    \node[inner ysep=0pt] (A) at (0,0) {
      Trapezoidal Rule \\
      Simpson's \( 1/3 \) Rule \\
      Simpson's \( 3/8 \) Rule
    \draw [decoration={brace,amplitude=0.5em},decorate,thick]
    (A.south west) -- (A.north west);


which is at tabular at heart. In my opinion, the math mode option is easier.