[Tex/LaTex] Is setting every node style anchor compatible with relative positioning in TikZ


I'm trying to create a diagram and would like my nodes left aligned using the anchor=west option. I'd prefer to use relative positioning to make my diagram more flexible to changes. Here's my example:



  every node/.style = {anchor=west}]

\node[fill=red!40, draw] (n0) at (0,0) {Base node} ;
\node[fill=red!40, draw] (n1) at (0,-2) {Node with longer text} ;
\node[fill=red!40, draw] (n2) [below=of n1] {Node with even longer text} ;


Notice how the second node uses the anchor=west style set for every node, but the third node with the longest text seems to be centered below the second vs. being left aligned with it. Is there a way to accomplish what I'm looking for?

Essentially, I want the alignment of the second node without having to specify absolute coordinates.

enter image description here

Best Answer

try this



  every node/.style = {anchor=west}]

\node[fill=red!40, draw] (n0) at (0,0) {Base node} ;
\node[fill=red!40, draw] (n1) at (0,-2) {Node with longer text} ;
\node[fill=red!40, draw] (n2) [below=of n1.west, right] {Node with even longer text} ;


enter image description here

from de pgfmanual:

16.5.2 Basic Placement Options

Unfortunately, while perfectly logical, it is often rather counter-intuitive that in order to place a node above a given point, you need to specify the south anchor. For this reason, there are some useful options that allow you to select the standard anchors more intuitively:

/tikz/above (default 0pt)

Does the same as anchor=south. If the is specified, the node is additionally shifted upwards by the given .

above \tikz \fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[above] {above};

above \tikz \fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[above=2pt] {above};

/tikz/below=<offset>(default 0pt) Similar to above.

/tikz/left=<offset> (default 0pt) Similar to above.

/tikz/right=<offset> (default 0pt) Similar to above.