Typography – Is a Period After an Abbreviation the Same as an End of Sentence Period?


Does latex do anything special with periods? If so, is there a way to differentiate end-of-sentence periods from periods indicating abbreviation?

Best Answer

There is the issue of end of sentence space vs. space between words. By default the first one is bigger.

e.g. this and that\\
e.g.\ this and that

In the first line the space after the 2nd period is typeset like an end of sentence space. In the second line the space after the 2nd period is typeset like a normal inter-word space:

spacing example (200%)

You can setup with \frenchspacing that the end of sentence space is not different from the normal inter-word spacing.

An \@ before a period sets up end of sentence spacing. This is needed, if the sentence ends with a one-capital-letter word.

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