[Tex/LaTex] Interpreting unicode ², ³, etc… characters in math mode


Short question:

Is there some font encoding or other trick that would allow the unicode character ² (exponent 2) to be correctly interpreted by LaTeX, notably in math mode (i.e. translate it automatically into ^{2})?

(and likewise for ³, ⁴, …)

Detailed rationale:

Normally, to introduce an exponent in math mode one uses the ^ symbol, as in x^2 or e^{i\pi}. I've been using LaTeX for decades and this feels very natural. However, with my current setup, when I type the characters x ^ 2 on the keyboard, it results in the two unicode characters .

I do have a \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} around the beginning of my personal style file, and Unicode characters in general are interpreted correctly (accented characters and such).

Usually I think about it and do type x ^ ^ 2 which results in x^2, but often I'm typing fast and later have to go back to every line of code that produces a LaTeX Error: Command \texttwosuperior unavailable in en error. This is annoying.

I could implement a workaround at the level of my editor (I use vim, so it would be simple to add a mapping to convert the ² into ^2), but I'm wondering if there's a better editor-independent way to handle this.

Best Answer

ConTeXt does it right.


x²³ and $x²³$


enter image description here

The same can be achieved with LaTeX and unicode-math.

x²³ and $x²³$

In pdfLaTeX you have to use newunicodechar to redefine ² and ³ to make them math-mode aware.

\usepackage{textcomp} % for \text...superior
x²³ and $x²³$

enter image description here

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