[Tex/LaTex] Install OpenType fonts in Texlive


Maybe this topic has already been discussed, but I haven't found anything clear about it! I bought Garamond Opentype fonts by Adobe, so I have *.otf font files. I'd like to use it in my thesis, but i can't install it in TexLive 2011! I've downloaded pad.zip file from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/psfonts/w-a-schmidt, and after long hours I sucessfully converted .otf to .pfb. Then I used Crossfont to obtain the .afm file… and now? Do I need any other file? I read that using autoinst may help, but how?
Please, help!

Best Answer

The package by Walter Schmidt is meant for the Type 1 fonts.

For the use with (pdf)latex, try the fonttools with autoinst. This script generates all necessary files including a LaTeX package. It is well documented. However, you won't have math support.

As Mico suggested, you can use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX with the fontspec package to use the otf directly.