[Tex/LaTex] Inserting a picture in a title page


I am trying to insert a picture in the first page of my report but it is becoming on a separate page or else it comes above the title. I want it to be between author and date:


\date {bb}


I tried doing as shown below but I got an error with \titlehead:


Best Answer

There is no requirement that \includegraphics is in a figure environment, which is for including floating objects (including pictures) with their caption.

For your problem, use the titling package that allows customizing the \maketitle command adding items where needed.


% set up \maketitle to accept a new item

% commands for including the picture
\newcommand{\placetitlepicture}{} % initialization


\title{A very important paper}
\author{A. Uthor}
\date{38 July 2014}



So long as you have \titlepicture before \maketitle you'll get the picture where you want it. Not specifying \titlepicture will do nothing different from the usual \maketitle.

enter image description here

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