[Tex/LaTex] Insert graphs and text side by side


I wanna know how can I draw graphs and arrows with text, side by side in Beamer as shown in the figure of this question
Drawing arrows in beamer

Can someone post the code?

Best Answer

Here is a simple example, based on Drawing arrows in beamer, that uses the columns environment. The final output is:

enter image description here

The code:

\pgfplotsset{width=4.75cm,compat=newest} % to fix the width and pgfplots version
\tikzset{every mark/.append style={scale=0.4}} % to reduce mark size

        single arrow,
        minimum height=3.5ex,
        single arrow head extend=0.8ex
\tikz [baseline=-0.5ex]{\node [myarrow,rotate=90] {};}
\tikz [baseline=-1ex]{\node [myarrow,rotate=-90] {};}


\begin{frame}{My graphs}
  % Text
  Thermal Grashof number & \arrowup\\[1ex]
  Velocity & \arrowup\arrowdown\\[1ex]
  Temperature & \arrowdown\\[1ex]
  Solutal boundary layer thickness & \arrowdown\\
 \hspace{0.15\textwidth} % needed to compensate the arrows space
  % Graphs
  \begin{axis}[xticklabel style={font=\tiny},
   yticklabel style={font=\tiny}]
   \addplot {sqrt(x)}; 
  \begin{axis}[xticklabel style={font=\tiny},
   yticklabel style={font=\tiny}]
   \addplot {ln(x)}; 
  \begin{axis}[xticklabel style={font=\tiny},
   yticklabel style={font=\tiny}]


The approach is strongly dependent on the theme chosen; themes with a sidebar, i.e. PaloAlto, reduces the available space so the dimensions of the graphs and/or of the column environments should be reconsidered.