[Tex/LaTex] Individual Tick style for each Tick


I would like to raise the left Tick over the x-axis so it doesn't clip into the graph. However If I add a second "Extra x ticks" definition the first definition gets overwritten. How can I achieve an individual tickstyle for each tick. This question is related however it doesn't work for three different tickstyles. (See comments in the answer)


\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \begin{axis}[
   ylabel style={rotate=-90},
   xtick = 0,
   ytick = 0,
   xtick style={draw=none},
   xmin = -5,
   xmax = 5,
   extra x ticks       = {-2,2},
   extra x tick labels = {$ -E_{ \text{t}} $, $ E_{ \text{t2}} $},
   extra x tick style  = { grid = major },
axis y line=middle,
axis x line=middle,
        coordinates {  

enter image description here

Best Answer

In the answer to the linked question, you will see xtick is used for positive values of x, while extra x ticks is for the negative values of x. You need to do something similar here. (I removed a couple unnecessary packages as well.)


\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \begin{axis}[
   ylabel style={rotate=-90},
   xtick       = {2},
   xticklabels = {$ E_{ \mathrm{t2}} $},
   grid = major,
   ytick = 0,
   xmin = -5,
   xmax = 5,
   extra x ticks       = {-2},
   extra x tick labels = {$ -E_{ \mathrm{t}} $},
   extra x tick style  = { grid = major,xticklabel style={yshift=0.5ex, anchor=south}
axis y line=middle,
axis x line=middle,
        coordinates {  

enter image description here


One way to get a third tick that is different from the other two is to define a second set of axes with the same limits as the first, and then add the ticks to the new axes.


   ylabel style={rotate=-90},
   xtick       = {2},
   xticklabels = {$ E_{ \mathrm{t2}} $},
   grid = major,
   ytick = \empty,
   xmin = -5,
   xmax = 5,
   extra x ticks       = {-2},
   extra x tick labels = {$ -E_{ \mathrm{t}} $},
   extra x tick style  = { grid = major,xticklabel style={yshift=0.5ex, anchor=south}
axis y line=middle,
axis x line=middle,
        coordinates {  
   xmin = -5,
   xmax = 5,
    xtick       = {4},
   ytick = \empty,
    xticklabels = {$ E_{ \mathrm{t4}} $},
    xticklabel style={blue,yshift=0.5ex, rotate=30},
    axis x line=middle,
    axis y line=middle,
\addplot[draw=none] {x};


enter image description here

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