Declaring shapes is one of the most useful features of the tikz/pgf
library. It can be extended by endless choice and really is a good idea.
The problem with the shapes is the difficulties one has to go through to get it to work.
This is due to the low-level coding that is necessary and essentially a good bookkeeping
of variables is the problem. If one is not used to low-level variable reassignment this
can become a cumbersome and even a task which cannot be completed without coding more than
the basic layer offers.
This is also the problem of your code.
Commenting your code
All this is fine, just keep it, you may realise that your east, west, etc. is not
correctly placed. Thus you should add your own.
% center
This is also good, you acquire the center coordinates. However, the center coordinates
only have a value if there is text in the node. They are defined as:
\advance\pgf@y by-.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox
Thus if no text is present they are both 0pt
. This tells you why it didn't show if no
node text is supplied.
% west triangle corner
\advance\pgf@yb by\pgf@y
Your problem here is that \radius
is actually a dimension. You do not save this value in
any way. You need to use \radius
as a regular dimension:
This means that what ever you are saving to \pgf@yb
you have no idea of what is (or
actually it is \pgf@y
from \centerpoint
, but that is another matter).
% east triangle corner
\advance\pgf@yc by\pgf@y
same problem here. This will not work.
% draw triangle..
This is fine
% central circle (from pgflibraryshapes.geometric.code.tex)..
Here is another mistake. Let's go through what \pgf@process
Lets consider the following function:
will actually define both \pgf@xb
and \pgf@x
. In many cases you are only
interested in the final result, which is \pgf@x
and \pgf@y
. In such case one will
invoke \pgfcalc
by \pgf@process
% Here \pgf@xb and \pgf@x are set by \pgfcalc
% So \pgf@xb and \pgf@x are both 2pt
% Here ONLY \pgf@x is set. \pgf@xb is still 1pt
This means that you can only call \pgf@process
on a macro and not a dimension (as \radius
is). The code you refer to have \radius
defined as an anchor
which is a macro. You could have done it on \centerpoint
if \centerpoint
were to change any other than \pgf@x
and \pgf@y
For further information on the purposes see the manual.
Lets move on...
\pgfmathsetlength{\pgf@xb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}%
\pgfmathsetlength{\pgf@yb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}%
\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by-\pgf@xb%
\advance\pgfutil@tempdimb by-\pgf@yb%
% and lower circles
\pgf@xa=1pt % the radius:should be a parameter
\pgfutil@tempdima=\pgf@xb \advance\pgfutil@tempdima by\pgf@xa
\pgfutil@tempdimb=\pgf@yb \advance\pgfutil@tempdimb by-\pgf@xa
\pgfutil@tempdima=\pgf@xb \advance\pgfutil@tempdima by-\pgf@xa
\pgfutil@tempdimb=\pgf@yb \advance\pgfutil@tempdimb by-\pgf@xa
This final part is actually ok, however, it is cumbersome to read and one can easily make
mistakes. I would partition it a bit more.
A fast solution
This solution has been made so that you can work more with it.
There are many options that you need to fine-tune and post-process.
It is up to you to complete with the top circle etc.
% Save radius to x
% Radius is also containing the "minimum width" and "minimum height"
% This ensures that even with no text the shape will be drawn.
% Unless of course that min are set to 0pt
% So no need to check for that
% Save radius
% west triangle corner "b"
% east triangle corner "c"
\pgf@xc= 3\pgf@x%
% If text is present shift shape to center
% You need to shift more, but to get the idea
\advance\pgf@xb by\pgf@x
\advance\pgf@yb by\pgf@y
\advance\pgf@xc by\pgf@x
\advance\pgf@yc by\pgf@y
% Save centerpoint in "a" (top triangle point)
% Below are good for debugging purposes.
%\message{^^JTop : \the\pgf@xa,\the\pgf@ya}
%\message{^^JWest: \the\pgf@xb,\the\pgf@yb}
%\message{^^JEast: \the\pgf@xc,\the\pgf@yc}
%\message{^^JCent: \the\pgf@x,\the\pgf@y}
% draw triangle..
% The radius of the small circles
% Read in from option TODO
% Move top triangle to head circle
\advance\pgf@ya by.25\pgfutil@tempdimb
% Move west triangle corner to west circle center
\advance\pgf@xb by 1.5\pgfutil@tempdima
\advance\pgf@yb by -\pgfutil@tempdimb
% For handling line thickness if you wish "edge touch" and not "overlap"
%\advance\pgf@yb by -.5\pgflinewidth
% Move east triangle corner to east circle center
\advance\pgf@xc by-1.5\pgfutil@tempdima
\advance\pgf@yc by -\pgfutil@tempdimb
% For handling line thickness if you wish "edge touch" and not "overlap"
%\advance\pgf@yc by -.5\pgflinewidth
% This saves underlying "stuff" when you have the explicit `\pgfqpoint` and is thus a little faster
\node[shape=carr,draw] at (3,0) {a};
\node[shape=carr,draw] at (5,0) {}; % missing triangle (not anymore)
% Your \draw example will never work! shapes are nodes, you need a node to assign the shape!
Here is the end result:
Good luck battling those shapes! :)
OK, there is a lot going on here, but hopefully the comments go someway to making it clear how I've achieved this. I use a lot of nested style
definitions, which possibly may make things tricky to follow but hopefully the style
names give some indication of what they do. I also use a lot of nested \foreach
loops for no other reason than I found it easier than using a matrix.
Some apologies in advance for mangling the German words in the style
% pifont for tick and cross.
% Only need the matrix library for delimiters.
% Define some colors.
\colorlet{Klasse A}{red}
\colorlet{Klasse B}{blue}
\colorlet{probe color}{Klasse A}
\colorlet{correct color}{Klasse A}
\colorlet{incorrect color}{Klasse A}
tight fit/.style={inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
probe color/.code={\colorlet{probe color}{#1}},
correct color/.code={\colorlet{correct color}{#1}},
incorrect color/.code={\colorlet{incorrect color}{#1}},
probe/.style args={#1-#2}{%
outer sep=0pt,
probe #1-#2/.try,
execute at begin node={%
% Hide the testproben spike in a style rather than
% clutter up the main code.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=2.75pt,y=1.5pt, scale=0.625]
\path [draw=probe color] plot [smooth] coordinates {(0,0)
(1,2) (2,10) (3,1) (4,3) (5,1) (6,4) (7,0)};
vorhesage/.style args={#1-#2}{
draw=correct color,
vorhesage #1-#2/.try,
incorrect vorhesage #1-#2/.try,
minimum size=0.625cm
shape=regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=3,
minimum height=1cm,
% The styles applied to specified testproben and (correct) vorhesage
testproben/.style args={#1-#2}{
probe #1-#2/.style={
vorhesage #1-#2/.style={
fill=correct color,
execute at begin node=\def\vmark{\ding{51}}% A tick
% The styles applied to specified testproben and (incorrect) vorhesage
testproben */.style args={#1-#2}{
probe #1-#2/.style={
incorrect vorhesage #1-#2/.style={
fill=incorrect color,
draw=correct color,
very thick,
execute at begin node=\def\vmark{\ding{55}}% A cross
Daten A/.style={
probe color=Klasse A,
Daten B/.style={
probe color=Klasse B,
Vorhesage A/.style={
correct color=Klasse A,
incorrect color=Klasse B,
Vorhesage B/.style={
correct color=Klasse B,
incorrect color=Klasse A,
iteration 1/.style={
% Define the testproben (and vorhesagen) for iteration 1
testproben={1-4}, % testproben row 1, column 4
testproben={2-3}, testproben={2-5},
testproben *={3-1}, testproben={3-2},
testproben={1-2}, testproben={1-3},
testproben *={2-1},
iteration 2/.style={
testproben={1-1}, testproben={1-4},testproben={1-5},
testproben={1-2}, testproben={2-1},
testproben={3-1}, testproben={3-3}
iteration 3/.style={
testproben={1-5}, testproben={1-4},
testproben={2-2}, testproben={2-2},
testproben *={3-1}
testproben={3-3}, testproben={3-4}
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75cm, y=0.75cm, >=stealth]
\foreach \itr in {1,2,3}{
% Install the A and B styles for this iteration.
% The A and B styles define the testproben for Klasse A
% and Kasse B.
\tikzset{iteration \itr/.try}
\foreach \g in {1,2,3}{
% Draw the probes
\foreach \K/\I/\J in {A/3/5, B/3/4}{%
% Install the Daten \K style.
% For Daten Klasse A this sets the probe color to blue
% For Daten Klasse B this sets the probe color to red
% and shifts everything along.
% In both cases the relevant style (A or B) is `executed'
% defining which probes are testproben.
\tikzset{Daten \K/.try}
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \I}{%
\foreach \j in {1, ..., \J}{%
\node (probe \itr-\K-\i-\j) at (\j, -\itr*3.5-\i)
[probe=\i-\j] {};
% Define a node that fits around all the nodes for this
% particular Daten Klasse.
\node [tight fit,fit=(probe \itr-\K-1-1)
(probe \itr-\K-\I-\J)]
(iteration \itr\space daten \K){};
% Now draw the Surrogats (Surrogaten?)
\foreach \I in {1,2,3}{
\tikzset{shift=(probe \itr-B-1-4.east)}
\node (surrogat \itr-\I) at (1.125,1-\I) [surrogat] {};
\draw [ultra thick, ->]
(surrogat \itr-\I.west) ++(-0.625,0) -- ++(0.5,0);
\draw [ultra thick, ->]
(surrogat \itr-\I.east) ++(0.125,0) -- ++(0.5,0);
% Finally the Forcasts
% Shift things along a but from the surrogats.
\tikzset{shift={(surrogat \itr-1)}, shift=(0:0.5)}
\foreach \K/\I/\J in {A/3/5, B/3/4}{
% This is the same as for the Daten Klasse,
% execept tis time the vorhesage proben are drawn.
\tikzset{Vorhesage \K/.try}
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \I}{
\foreach \j in {1, ..., \J}{
\node (vorhesage \itr-\K-\i-\j) at (\j, -\i+1)
[vorhesage=\i-\j] {\vmark};
% Draw a node around each set of vorhesage nodes.
\node [tight fit,
fit=(vorhesage \itr-\K-1-1) (vorhesage \itr-\K-\I-\J)]
(iteration \itr\space vorhesage \K){};
% Now add the labels and delimiters.
\foreach \itr in {1,2,3}{
\node [tight fit, fit={(iteration \itr\space daten A)}, left
delimiter=\{, label={[xshift=-0.5cm]left:\itr.
Iteration}] {};
\foreach \K in {A, B}{
\node [tight fit, fit={(iteration 1 daten \K)}, above
delimiter=\{,label={[yshift=0.5cm]90:Daten Klassen \K}] {};
\node [tight fit, fit={(iteration 1 vorhesage \K)}, above
delimiter=\{,label={[yshift=0.5cm, align=center]90:{Vorhesage
\\Proben \K}}] {};
\node [fill=testproben, rounded corners=1ex, below=0.25cm, anchor=north west]
at (probe 3-A-3-1.south east){Testprobe};
\draw [very thick, ->, rounded corners=1ex]
(testprobe.west) -| (probe 3-A-3-1.south);
\node [below=0.25cm, anchor=north west]
at (probe 3-A-3-4.south east){Trainingsprobe};
\draw [very thick, ->, rounded corners=1ex]
(trainingsprobe.west) -| (probe 3-A-3-4.south);
\node [below=1cm, anchor=north east]
at (surrogat 3-3.south west){$i=3\times k=3$ Surrogatsmodelle};
\draw [very thick, ->, rounded corners=1ex]
(surrogatsmodelle.east) -| (surrogat 3-3.south);
\node [below=0.5cm, align=left, anchor=north west] (eingeordnet)
at (vorhesage 3-A-3-1.south east){Testprobe aus Klasse \textcolor{Klasse
A}{A} wird \\als Klasse \textcolor{Klasse B}{B} eingeordnet};
\draw [very thick, ->, rounded corners=1ex]
(eingeordnet.west) -| (vorhesage 3-A-3-1.south);
Best Answer
For commutative diagrams I suggest using the
package; it usesTikZ
to facilitate the drawing of commutative diagrams (it has its own arrows library designed for diagrams and the arrow you are looking for is already buil-in); a little example with the requested inclusion (and some others just for illustration):You can use the
library fromTikZ
, so for example, to use the-latex
style fromTikZ
, you can sayThe above code changes the tip arrow style for all the diagrams, but you can select the -latex arrow tip just for some arrows (perhaps not really desirable to have two different arrow tips on the same diagram):