[Tex/LaTex] Including graphic outside bounding box using graphicx and pdflatex

bounding boxgraphicspdfpdftex

I am including graphics from .pdf files into my latex document using the graphicx package. Some objects in the graphics files extend beyond the pdf page area, which is used as the bounding box for \includegraphics.

I would like to use the bbox for uniform positioning/sizing of all my graphics, but occasionally have objects extend beyond the bbox onto the page.

The graphicx documentation states

If * is omitted, then any part of the graphic that is outside the specified ‘bounding box’ will over-print the surrounding text.

… which is exactly what I'd like, but the .pdf file generated by pdflatex crops the images to the bounding box, even if I explicitly use


I have this problem with .pdf files generated in CorelDraw as well as Inkscape, both of which show each others files having objects extending beyond page border, so I am sure the information about these objects is included in the pdf files.

I've played around some more and it seems to be a problem related to pdflatex. Using latex and then going dvi->ps->pdf, things work the way I want them to. I've attached an EPS file for use with latex and a PDF file for use with pdflatex to show the difference:

Inkscape-generated PDF

Inkscape-generated EPS

Best Answer

You are drawing outside the media size in Inkscape and CorelDraw. Then you export/print to PDF. But Inkscape uses the same media size for the PDF file. The graphics package that loads the PDF file (e.g., driver pdftex.def) only sees the media size. Also the Inkscape/Coreldraw might drop objects outside the media size. Even if the PDF file is manipulated by changing the /MediaBox and /CropBox values, there might be missing objects.

In Inkscape you can modify the "document settings" ("file" menu). It offers a button for fitting the page/media size to the contents. With German localization:
"Datei"->"Dokumenteneinstellungen"->"Seite in Auswahl einpassen" (Addition:) Inkscape also allows the export of the whole drawing.

Likely CorelDraw also allows to change the media/paper size.

Then again export to PDF to get all objects on the page.

There options viewport and trim to get a smaller active bounding box for \includegraphics and overlapping areas (clip is disabled by default).