[Tex/LaTex] includegraphics with TikZ


I am trying to create an environment with some picture in the left margin. Here is the code

\usepackage[paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=240mm, left=142pt, top=40pt,textwidth=280pt, marginparsep=6pt, marginparwidth=100pt, textheight=560pt, footskip=40pt,bindingoffset=30pt,asymmetric,reversemarginpar]{geometry}



\hfill\tikz{\node at (0,0){\foot};}

\hfill\tikz{\node at (0,0) {text};}







which needs a graphic file.

This is a result:


(source: uclm.es)

This is almost what I want. A paragraph on the right, with some text in the margin as a title, and at the bottom of the paragraph, some picture on the left margin.

My problem is that the base of the picture is not align with the baseline because, I think, \includegraphics inside a \tikz command considers the origin at the center of the picture. I want the picture to be aligned with the baseline of the paragraph as in the third example with the word 'text'.

Best Answer

Ok, I have found what I wanted. That was a problem with marginfigure enviroment. I had to use marginpar so my environment is:

\par\makebox(0,0)[r]{\large\bfseries\sffamily\colorbox{red}{Ejercicio       \thesides}%
\hfill\tikz[baseline=0pt]\node[anchor=base] {\foot};}