[Tex/LaTex] I don’t know what is wrong: cases and itemize


I don't know what is wrong, because I can see the output but it is compiling with error.



\item \begin{tabular}{cc}
& x=0.99 \\ & y=0.99
\end{cases} \]
& $\rightarrow$ \qquad $P\left( B | A \right) = 0.33$.
\item \begin{tabular}{cc}
& x=0.99 \\ & y=0.995
\end{cases} \]
& $\rightarrow$ \qquad $P\left( B | A \right) = 0.498$.
\item \begin{tabular}{cc}
& x=0.99 \\ & y=0.999
\end{cases} \]
& $\rightarrow$ \qquad $P\left( B | A \right) = 0.83$.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

You might be interested in the following implementation, which is a little cleaner:

enter image description here

\documentclass{tufte-book}% http://ctan.org/pkg/tufte-latex
\usepackage{amsmath,array}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{amsmath,array}
    \end{array}\right. \qquad \rightarrow \qquad P\bigl( B \bigm| A \bigr) = #2
  \item $\probability{x = 0.99 \\ y = 0.99\phantom{0}}{0.33}$
  \item $\probability{x = 0.99 \\ y = 0.995}{0.498}$
  \item $\probability{x = 0.99 \\ y = 0.999}{0.83}$