[Tex/LaTex] Hyphenation and words breaking not working


I have problem with words breaking. It's not working. I tried use \hyphenation{} but it's now working. There is no any errors. I tried use also \- in word that I want to break but it's not working too. Any ideas how to solve this?

breaking words problem

My preambule before \begin{document} below:





%-------Definition of \signature--
 \def\signature#1#2#3{{\hskip#1in{\hbox to #2in%
{\leaders\hbox to .00625in{\hfil.\hfil}\hfill}}%
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/34412/5764
\NewDocumentCommand{\eqmathbox}{o O{c} m}{%


%-------Big chapter letters--
  {\huge\headingfont}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}




Best Answer

It's because you are suppressing the hyphenation with the hyphenat package.

From the hyphenat manual:

The none option disables all hyphenation. If you use this option you should also consider using \sloppy (to reduce TeX’s moans about bad line breaks) or \raggedright (to reduce moans about overfull boxes).

So remove the hyphenat package, or the [none] option.

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