[Tex/LaTex] Hyperref not linking ToC

hyperreftable of contents

I am having an issue with hyperref not linking the ToC to the chapters/sections. I have had a look around and I can not find a solution to my problem. If this is duplicated, my apologies…

I am writing my thesis at the moment and its due soon so I'd like this fixed.

I am currently using TexLive2013 in Ubuntu 12.04. I was previously using TexLive2009 however, I read that the caption package can cause hyperref to stop early so I updated. I am still having this issue with the folowwing error:

Package hyperref Message: Stopped early.


Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hpdftex.

Is this driver needed? Can I just delete it?

Either way, hyperref appears to be working fine elsewhere i.e. urls etc. I have pasted my preamble below, perhaps I have a package conflict? The update to TexLive2013 however did cause the lineno package to stop working

Any advice appreciated.


\usepackage[innermargin=40mm, outermargin=20mm]{geometry}

\usepackage{float} %for image placement
\usepackage[authoryear, square]{natbib}
% \usepackage[]{lineno} % for line numbers. Not working with Texlive2013




\linespread{1.3} %1=single, 1.3=1.5 and 1.6=double



As DG pointed out below, the issue is with loading hyperref with the [implicit=false] option. Once removed, the ToC was linked. Thanks again DG.

For those wondering why I loaded [implicit=false] in the first place; I can not remember. Google probably told me at some stage..

Best Answer

On TL2013 I was able to successfully compile the following document with pdflatex:

\usepackage[innermargin=40mm, outermargin=20mm]{geometry}

\usepackage{float} %for image placement
\usepackage[authoryear, square]{natbib}





\linespread{1.3} %1=single, 1.3=1.5 and 1.6=double


\chapter{Principles of Reason}


\chapter{Things in themselves}



I encountered non of the problems you described. As I only changed three things (I used the document class report, added use names,dvipsnamesto \usepackage{color}, and deleted the option implicit=false from \usepackage{hyperref}), I do suspect that the source of your problems is either your TL installation or your custom document class.

As a first step I would try to compile your document using the class report and compare the errors.

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