[Tex/LaTex] Hyperlinked nodes in TikZ mindmap


I am trying to make a small mindmap such that some of the child nodes are hyperlinked. I tried to follow the advice given here, about the new node style hyperlink node, but the following MWE compiles with errors.

Just to clarify the structure of the MWE, it first defines the hyperlink node style, which is then subsequently used in the line

  node[concept, hyperlink node=www.google.com] {practical}

Here is the MWE (which is adapted from here):



    hyperlink node/.style={
        append after command={
            let     \p1 = (sourcenode.north west),
                \p2=(sourcenode.south east),
                \n2={\y1-\y2} in
            node [inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,anchor=north west,at=(\p1)] {\hyperlink{#1}{\phantom{\rule{\n1}{\n2}}}}
  \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
    node[concept] {Computer Science}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[concept color=green!50!black] {
      node[concept, hyperlink node=www.google.com] {practical}
      [clockwise from=90]
      child { node[concept] {algorithms} }
      child { node[concept] {data structures} }
      child { node[concept] {pro\-gramming languages} }
      child { node[concept] {software engineer\-ing} }
    child[concept color=blue] {
      node[concept] {applied}
      [clockwise from=-30]
      child { node[concept] {databases} }
      child { node[concept] {WWW} }
    child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} }
    child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} };

Any advice on how to make mindmaps in TikZ hyperlinkable or help fixing this solution would be appreciated.

Best Answer

The quickest fix is to put directly inside the node the \hyperlink, for example:

node[concept] {\hyperlink{pract}{practical}}

This won't alter the appearance of the concept style.

The code:




  \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
    node[concept] {Computer Science}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[concept color=green!50!black] {
      node[concept] {\hyperlink{pract}{practical}}
      [clockwise from=90]
      child { node[concept] {algorithms} }
      child { node[concept] {data structures} }
      child { node[concept] {pro\-gramming languages} }
      child { node[concept] {software engineer\-ing} }
    child[concept color=blue] {
      node[concept] {applied}
      [clockwise from=-30]
      child { node[concept] {\hyperlink{datab}{databases}} }
      child { node[concept] {WWW} }
    child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} }
    child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} 
\item \hypertarget{pract}{Practical}: here is some description.
\item \hypertarget{datab}{Databases}: here is some description.
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