[Tex/LaTex] hyperlink in table of beamer


I am preparing a slide in beamer. One page of my slides is a table. I would like to use other pages to explain the table, I am thinking of adding sth like hyperlinks, if I click a cell of a table, then it goes to the explanation page, and it can also go back, which tool/package can I do it? Can someone show me an example? Thanks

Best Answer

Something like this! Here only tikz package is used to assure that the return button is located at the same place on the explanation page. Every beamer page that has links should have a label (main, here, there in this example), then use the following command at proper locations.

\hyperlink{destination label}{\beamerreturnbutton{Go or Back or any text}};

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline
{\hyperlink{here}{\beamerreturnbutton{Go1}}}& aaa  &  bbb \\ \hline
ccc & ddd & {\hyperlink{there}{\beamerreturnbutton{Go2}}}\\ \hline

\begin{frame}[fragile,label=here]{Explanation 1}
Some explanation here for the first GO at top left cell.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[shift={(-1cm,1cm)}]() at (current page.south east){%

\begin{frame}[fragile,label=there]{Explanation 2}
Some explanation there for the second GO at lower right cell..
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[shift={(-1cm,1cm)}]() at (current page.south east){%

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