[Tex/LaTex] htlatex – need help converting latex to html


I am trying to convert a set of tex file to html.
The attached code generates perfect pdf.
While it gives the following error with htlatex.

I have not much knowledge of tex so please help by being more verbose as possible.


l.259 --- TeX4ht warning --- \halign translated into linear text --- 
! Missing number, treated as zero. 
<to be read again>
l.259 ...rigraph.sequences}{Trigraph}{Replacement}    

related files can be seen at https://github.com/ramneek-handa/draft/source

Here is the minimal example:


           {babel}        % needed for iso dates
           {isodate}      % use iso format for dates
           {listings}     % code listings


% Base definitions for tables

%% vertical alignment
 \newcommand{\rb}[1]{\raisebox{1.5ex}[0pt]{##1}}    % move argument up half a row

%% header helpers
 \newcommand{\hdstyle}[1]{\textbf{##1}}             % set header style
 \newcommand{\Head}[3]{\multicolumn{##1}{##2}{\hdstyle{##3}}}   % add title spanning multiple columns
 \newcommand{\lhdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{|c}{##2}}        % set header for left column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\chdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{c}{##2}}         % set header for center column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\rhdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{c|}{##2}}        % set header for right column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\ohdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{|c|}{##2}}       % set header for only column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\lhdr}[1]{\lhdrx{1}{##1}}              % set header for single left column
 \newcommand{\chdr}[1]{\chdrx{1}{##1}}              % set header for single center column
 \newcommand{\rhdr}[1]{\rhdrx{1}{##1}}              % set header for single right column
 \newcommand{\br}{\hfill\break}                     % force newline within table entry

%% column styles
 \newcolumntype{x}[1]{>{\raggedright\let\\=\tabularnewline}p{##1}}  % word-wrapped ragged-right
                                                                    % column, width specified by #1
 % \newcolumntype{m}[1]{>{\CodeStyle}l{##1}}              % variable width column, all entries in CodeStyle
 \newcolumntype{m}[1]{l{##1}}                           % variable width column, all entries in CodeStyle

% General Usage: TITLE is the title of the table, XREF is the
% cross-reference for the table. LAYOUT is a sequence of column
% type specifiers (e.g. cp{1.0}c), without '|' for the left edge
% or right edge.

% usage: \begin{floattablebase}{TITLE}{XREF}{COLUMNS}{PLACEMENT}
% produces floating table, location determined within limits
% by LaTeX.

% usage: \begin{floattable}{TITLE}{XREF}{COLUMNS}
% produces floating table, location determined within limits
% by LaTeX.


{Potential \tcode{setlocale} data races}

\tcode{fprintf}     &
\tcode{isprint}     &
\tcode{iswdigit}    &
\tcode{localeconv}  &
\tcode{tolower}     \\



Best Answer

Well, there are some errors caused by the lack of support for memoir in tex4ht. We fixed that in another question. Now you need to add support for your macros. To do that, you should separate them in package, for example ramneek.sty


% Base definitions for tables

%% vertical alignment
 \newcommand{\rb}[1]{\raisebox{1.5ex}[0pt]{##1}}    % move argument up half a row

%% header helpers
 \newcommand{\hdstyle}[1]{\textbf{##1}}             % set header style
 \newcommand{\Head}[3]{\multicolumn{##1}{##2}{\hdstyle{##3}}}   % add title spanning multiple columns
 \newcommand{\lhdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{|c}{##2}}        % set header for left column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\chdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{c}{##2}}         % set header for center column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\rhdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{c|}{##2}}        % set header for right column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\ohdrx}[2]{\Head{##1}{|c|}{##2}}       % set header for only column spanning #1 columns
 \newcommand{\lhdr}[1]{\lhdrx{1}{##1}}              % set header for single left column
 \newcommand{\chdr}[1]{\chdrx{1}{##1}}              % set header for single center column
 \newcommand{\rhdr}[1]{\rhdrx{1}{##1}}              % set header for single right column
 \newcommand{\br}{\hfill\break}                     % force newline within table entry

%% column styles
 \newcolumntype{x}[1]{>{\raggedright\let\\=\tabularnewline}p{##1}}  % word-wrapped ragged-right
                                                                    % column, width specified by #1
 % \newcolumntype{m}[1]{>{\CodeStyle}l{##1}}              % variable width column, all entries in CodeStyle
 \newcolumntype{m}[1]{l{##1}}                           % variable width column, all entries in CodeStyle

% General Usage: TITLE is the title of the table, XREF is the
% cross-reference for the table. LAYOUT is a sequence of column
% type specifiers (e.g. cp{1.0}c), without '|' for the left edge
% or right edge.

% usage: \begin{floattablebase}{TITLE}{XREF}{COLUMNS}{PLACEMENT}
% produces floating table, location determined within limits
% by LaTeX.
% \bottomline

% usage: \begin{floattable}{TITLE}{XREF}{COLUMNS}
% produces floating table, location determined within limits
% by LaTeX.


Now you need to add configuration for tex4ht, so create file ramneek.4ht. This file is loaded automatically when you use package ramneek.


\Configure{TableBase}{\HCode{<div class="TableBase">\Hnewline}}{\HCode{</div>\Hnewline}}

.TableBase .tabular td{
  border-top:1px solid black;
  border-bottom:1px solid black;

This code patches environment TableBase, it redefines macros \topline and \bottomline which caused problems and it insert configurable hooks. With \Configure{TableBase} we configure this hook to insert <div class=TableBase> and with \Css command you can configure appereance of the table using cascading stylesheets however you want.

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