[Tex/LaTex] How to write Japanese with LaTeX


I've recently started to use LaTeX but I've just encountered a problem, I tried searching it, although apparently no-one asked it before.

I'd like to write using Japanese input, but when I typeset, there can happen 3 things:

  1. I get some error when compiling;
  2. I get question marks where Japanese stuff should appear;
  3. Nothing appears.

For example I had an example .tex file, compiled it and it worked, so I added some japanese in order to see "The author is [Japanese here]", but what I could see was "The author is [blank space]".

I've tried checking some guides, but I haven't found anything that could solve my problem (they are too old, or they don't talk about this at all).

Some minutes ago I tried compiling this:

\usepackage[overlap, CJK]{ruby}  
\parskip 3ex  
\parindent 0pt  

It compiles fine but, still same problem, nothing appears when typeset, even if I should see "ねこ". There are many Linux guides, but I have a Mac and apparently, there aren't a lot around…

EDIT: A small add, if I get this to work, is the solution related to other asian languages such as Korean or Chinese?

Best Answer

1. XeLaTeX

For XeLaTeX, the document should be saved in UTF-8 encoding.

1.1. xeCJK package

I advice you to use XeLaTeX with package xeCJK. An example:

\setCJKmainfont{MS Mincho} % for \rmfamily
\setCJKsansfont{MS Gothic} % for \sffamily




See manual of xeCJK and fontspec for more information.

Chinese and Korean work the same. In fact, xeCJK is originally designed for Chinese by Prof. 孙文昌.

xeCJK: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/xetex/latex/xecjk/xeCJK.pdf
fontspec: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf

1.2. zxjatype package

zxjatype internally calls xeCJK, with some configurations for Japanese. You can also use zxjafont package to use some predefined fonts. It is easier to use compared to raw xeCJK. An example:





zxjatype: http://zrbabbler.sp.land.to/zxjatype.html

1.3. bxjsclasses with zxjatype

bxjsclasses bundle provides some Japanese local classes. It can be used with different TeX engines.






2. LuaLaTeX

For LuaLaTeX, the document should be saved in UTF-8 encoding.

2.1. luatexja-fontspec package in luatexja bundle

luatexja bundle provides Japanese support for LuaTeX. A simple LaTeX example:

\setmainjfont{MS Mincho} % \mcfamily
\setsansjfont{MS Gothic} % \gtfamily





2.2. ltjsclasses classes in luatexja bundle

ltjsclasses provides some Japanese document classes for convenience. An example:

\setmainjfont{MS Mincho} % \mcfamily
\setsansjfont{MS Gothic} % \gtfamily






3. upLaTeX + ujclasses

upLaTeX is a Japanese TeX format. It needs UTF-8 encoding.

An example:







Compile with

uplatex foo.tex
dvipdfmx foo.dvi

4. pLaTeX + jsclasses (Relatively Old)

pLaTeX is a Japanese TeX format. Documents should be saved in SJIS encoding. Documentation in English is available here.

An example:

% SJIS encoding






Compile with

pdfplatex foo.tex


platex foo.tex
dvipdfmx foo.dvi

5. CJK package (Obsolete)

Older CJK package is still useful. It works well with PDFLaTeX and LaTeX (Dvips, dvipdfmx). If the document has only a few wide characters, CJK package may be a reasonable choice with better compatibility.

Be sure you have installed the proper CJK fonts for CJK package. Typically, this is not done. TeX Live and MiKTeX have a wadalab package, install it when necessary. (Also ipaex and ipaex-type1) Then you can use:

% UTF-8 encoding


{\CJKfamily{goth} こんにちわ}


See $TEXMF/tex/latex/cjk/texinput/UTF8/c70*.fd, $TEXMF/tex/latex/cjk/contrib/wadalab/c70*.fd, etc. for pre-installed CJK font families. Frankly speaking, these free Type1 CJK fonts are not very good. It is better to install the fonts yourself.