[Tex/LaTex] How to write given equation in LaTex


I want to write equation below in LaTex:
enter image description here

I wrote it :

r_{i,j}=min\lbrace\vert x_{i,j}$\bigotimes$ K_{p} \vert \: p=1 to 4\rbrace\;          

but it giving error.
Please give suggestion to write it correctly.

Best Answer

The entire expression, and not just the \otimes term, must be in math mode:

$r_{i,j}=\min \lbrace\vert x_{i,j}\otimes K_{p} \vert : p=1,\dots, 4 \rbrace$

Note that I would use \otimes, not \bigotimes. And, do write \min rather than just min.

Addendum: If you wanted to give more visual prominence to the curly braces that enclose the material to the right of the = symbol, you could enlarge them a bit via \bigl and \bigr modifiers:

$r_{i,j}=\min \bigl\lbrace\vert x_{i,j}\otimes K_{p} \vert : p=1,\dots, 4 \bigr\rbrace$

$r_{i,j}=\min \bigl\lbrace\vert x_{i,j}\otimes K_{p} \vert : p=1,\dots, 4 \bigr\rbrace$

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