[Tex/LaTex] How to write a formula in words in LaTeX


I want to write this equation in LaTeX:

q1 = (Number of women who had their second birth in 1971) / ((Number of women who had their first birth in 1970) - (Number of women who had their second birth in 1970))

This my LaTeX code for the equation:

\begin{equation} \nonumber
 q^*_1  =\frac{\text{number of women who had their second birth in 1971}}{\text{number of women who had their first birth in 1970 \textbf{-} number of women had their second birth in 1970}}
  \end {equation}

How can write the denominator as given in the picture?

Best Answer

A simple way is to use array for the denominator

\begin{equation} \nonumber
 q^*_1  =\frac{\text{number of women who had their second birth in 1971}}{
   \text{number of women who had}\\
    \text{their first birth in 1970} 
   \text{number of women who had}\\
    \text{their second birth in 1970} 
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