[Tex/LaTex] How to write “ℰ”


could anyone please tell me how I can write "ℰ" in latex in both text and math enviroment? I have already tried $\mathscr{E}$ and $\mathcal{E}$, but none of those are satisfying.

What I want to have is

enter image description here

but not any of these

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here are 3 more script fonts for which there exists a LaTeX package (in math mode): Dutchcal(from the esstix 13 font), Boondox (from the stix fonts) (two variants) and Adobe's Bickham. All exist in regular and boldface. The following code allows to test them, commenting and uncommenting the relevant lines:




        \textbf{Dutchcal: }
        $ \begin{array}[t]{c@{\quad}c}
            \verb+ \mathcal + & \verb+ \mathbcal + \\[6pt]
            \mathcal{E} & \mathbcal{E}
            \end{array} $


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enter image description here

enter image description here

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