[Tex/LaTex] How to vertically center a minipage within a tabular environment

minipagetablesvertical alignment

My goal is to have the minipage of the second column vertically centered but I could not manage do do it. I tried the array package with the 'm' option :
\tabular{c|m} but it did not worked, I also tried to set the [t] option both to the minipage and to the tabular but with no success.

Do you know a way to make it works?

Here is a minimal exemple:

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

                \multicolumn{2}{c}{Une architecture hybride}\\[0.4em]
                        \item bla
                        \item bla
                        \item bla

And here is the file hybride.tikz

\tikzset{client/.style={draw,rectangle,rounded corners=3pt,color=blue},

\node[client] (A) at (0,0) {Pair};
\node[client] (B) at (8,0) {Pair};
\node[client] (C) at (4,6.92) {Pair};
\node[server] (D) at (4,2.31) {Oracle};

\draw[->, >=latex, color=blue] (A) to[bend left=10] (B);
\draw[->, >=latex, color=blue] (A) to[bend left=10] (C);
\draw[->, >=latex, color=blue] (B) to[bend left=10] (A);
\draw[->, >=latex, color=blue] (B) to[bend left=10] (C);
\draw[->, >=latex, color=blue] (C) to[bend left=10] (A);
\draw[->, >=latex, color=blue] (C) to[bend left=10] (B);
\draw[->, >=latex, thick, color=red, dashed] (D) -- (A);
\draw[->, >=latex, thick, color=red, dashed] (D) -- (B);
\draw[->, >=latex, thick, color=red, dashed] (D) -- (C);

Best Answer

If the second column should be vertically centered to the picture you can use two m columns


enter image description here


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


      \multicolumn{2}{c}{Une architecture hybride}\\[0.4em]
          client/.style={draw,rounded corners=3pt,color=blue},
          \foreach \n/\p in {A/{0,0},B/{8,0},C/{4,6.92}}
            \node[client](\n) at (\p) {Pair};
          \node[server] (D) at (4,2.31) {Oracle};
          \foreach \x/\y/\z in {A/B/C,B/A/C,C/A/B}
            \path[-latex,blue,bend left=10](\x) edge (\y)edge (\z);
          \foreach \x in {A,B,C}
            \draw[-latex,thick,red,dashed] (D) -- (\x);
            \item bla
            \item bla
            \item bla