[Tex/LaTex] How to use visual studio code LaTex Workshop with xelatex


I want to compile a tex document using xelatex in LaTeX Workshop extension in visual studio code. How can I change compiler from default one to xetex? I put my current setting.json file bellow.

    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [

            "name": "latexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
            "env": {}
            "name": "lualatexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
            "env": {}
            "name": "latexmk_rconly",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
            "env": {}
            "name": "pdflatex",
            "command": "pdflatex",
            "args": [
            "env": {}
            "name": "bibtex",
            "command": "bibtex",
            "args": [
            "env": {}
            "name": "rnw2tex",
            "command": "Rscript",
            "args": [
                "knitr::opts_knit$set(concordance = TRUE); knitr::knit('%DOCFILE_EXT%')"
            "env": {}
            "name": "jnw2tex",
            "command": "julia",
            "args": [
                "using Weave; weave(\"%DOC_EXT%\", doctype=\"tex\")"
            "env": {}
            "name": "jnw2texmintex",
            "command": "julia",
            "args": [
                "using Weave; weave(\"%DOC_EXT%\", doctype=\"texminted\")"
            "env": {}

Best Answer

Maybe all you were looking for was:

    "latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default": "name of recipe",

which sets the default build recipe for LaTeX-Workshop. But I came across this question when trying to figure out how to build my file with xelatex, which I have now figured out:

I use latexmk with -xelatex option, which I have installed on Windows via MiKTeX. I used the command line in my project folder to find what arguments got me the result I wanted. In my case, the following did the trick:

D:\path\to\project>latexmk -xelatex -outdir=out file.tex

Since this result is usually fixed for a certain project, I just override tools and recipes in


    "latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default": "latexmk (xelatex)",
    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
            "name": "xelatexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
    "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
            "name": "latexmk (xelatex)",
            "tools": [

I have chosen to just hard-code my root file and output directory in the tool, but you can also use Placeholders.