[Tex/LaTex] How to use multiple citation styles in the main document with elsarticle


I am trying to add author's name in addition to reference number with elsarticle. However with MWE given below I am unable to do so.

Expected output

enter image description here

MWE output

enter image description here


\documentclass[review, sort&compress, 12pt]{elsarticle}
\citeauthor{bailey1997quest} \cite{bailey1997quest}

How to get citation style in this format with elsarticle? I also need the references to be listed in the order they are cited in the main text

Best Answer

You should be using the elsarticle-num-names bibliography style instead of elsarticle-num. Moreover, to generate a citation call-out of the form "Bailey et al [num]", where the number "num" is a hyperlink, you should use \citet, not \citeauthor or \cite.

A full MWE -- observe how the outputs of \citet, \citeauthor, and \cite differ:

enter image description here

  author = "Bailey, John and Daily, Gail and Malley, Micah",
  title  = "Thoughts",
  year   = 1997,



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