[Tex/LaTex] How to use \graphicspath + epstopdf


I am using MiKTeK and TeXnicCenter. Since I am using Windows, I have to deal with folders whose names have spaces, such as
C:/Documents and Settings/...
and I use \usepackage[space]{grffile} to deal with this problem.

I saved a bunch of .eps figures in a folder and I use the \graphicspath to specify that folder in my LaTeX document. I tried to things to get a PDF with pictures:

1) If I use the package epstopdf then it doesn't know that it must save the PDF version of the figure in that folder, and it just complains that it cannot find the figure. It ends up producing a PDF file without pictures.

2) If I use LaTeX => PS => PDF compilation, then it complains it cannot find the figure, but shows it anyway (!?). The problem is that it displays the picture in a chaotic manner. puts all the pictures I try to load in the first page. (This is a document with several pages, and pictures).

Attempted solutions:

1) If I write a short LaTeX file in my pictures' folder with the epstopdf package, then it saves a PDF version of my pictures in that folder. Later, when I try to compile the document I am trying to produce, it works just fine. But that is a hassle…

This is added by xport. In my previous answer (that I have deleted), JJ O said as follows:

enter image description here

Best Answer

1) If I use the package epstopdf then it doesn't know that it must save the PDF version of the figure in that folder, and it just complains that it cannot find the figure. It ends up producing a PDF file without pictures.

Have you tried the command \epstopdfsetup{outdir=./} (to be executed after the epstopdf package is loaded)? This should write the PDF files in the same directory as your main file.

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