[Tex/LaTex] How to use fonts (the ones listed in mathalfa documentation) in math mode


I was looking for more fonts like mathcal, mathbb to use them in math mode, so I can distinguish different quantities, and I found this answer on TeX.SE to the question

What are all the font styles I can use in math mode?

In the first answer there is a list of all usable fonts in math mode which can be found at the end of the mathalfa documentation and it's like

enter image description here

Now, I read the poor documentation on the mathalfa package, without understanding enough to get those fonts. My question is: how do I use those fonts in math mode? Which package do I need to use them?
What are the commands with which I can choose between fonts?

Basically what I would like is something like (just to make an example)

Text [...] $\esstix{A} = \euler{A}$ 

What do I have to do? Even a more complete documentation with some examples would be good…

Best Answer

mathalfa allows you to map fonts to the four standard command \mathcal, \mathscr, \mathfrak, \mathbb:

\usepackage[cal=esstix,frak=euler,scr=boondox,bb= pazo]{mathalfa}
$\mathcal{Esstix ABC}=\mathfrak{Euler ABC}= \mathscr{Boondox ABC}=\mathbb{Pazo ABC}$

enter image description here