[Tex/LaTex] How to use biblatex with Gummi


I've spent hours and hours looking through posts and documentation and I still have no idea. The documentation is unending, I just want to know how to actually use it.

I use Gummi to edit my .tex files.

I use JabRef to manage my references, it stores them in a .bib file.

How, in simplest terms, do I use biblatex with Gummi?

I've read a lot of things about biber, but I still have no idea what it does or how to use it.

Also, what is a .bcf file?

Help is very much appreciated, I can't believe how difficult this has been, all I really wanted to do was omit the url field from my references.

Best Answer

I recommend to use arara, a very flexible tool to compile LaTeX documents, including, but not limited to, biblatex with biber -- and also deleting the aux files generated in the process.

I adapted from here:

% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes } 
% arara: biber
% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
% arara: clean: { files: [ test.aux, test.log] }

    Address = {Philadelphia},
    Author = {William Labov},
    Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
    Title = {Sociolinguistic Patterns},
    Year = {1972}}

    Address = {The Hague},
    Author = {Noam Chomsky},
    Publisher = {Mouton},
    Title = {Syntactic Structures},
    Year = {1957}}


As first example citation here is \cite{Chomsky1957}. 
Here is another example citation \cite{Labov1972}

Set Gummi to compile with latexmk (from Edit -> Preferences -> Compilation).

Updated: 2017, Jun 11 -- just to clarify my tip

You have two options here (a dirty hack just to use Gummi with arara):

(1) With Windows/Linux, write a simple script that calls arara and name it latexmk. Put it in your path just before the latexmk path (usually before texlive or miktex path).

(2) With Linux, you can include

`alias latexmk='arara'`

within the ~/.bash_aliases file (create one if it does not exist), or inside the .bashrc or .profile files. I used the .bash_aliases way.

I hope that the developers of Gummi will add an arara option at compilation option from Preferences menu in a future release. Until there we will need to use some kind of dirty hack like this.

Save it as test.tex and load it with gummi.