[Tex/LaTex] How to use achemso bibliography style without achemso package


I tried to use the achemso bibliography style for a document which is not an article I want to submit to a journal. Thus I do not use the achemso class neither the achemso package.

It works but references are not numbered. How can I change this or does it exist a standard bib style which looks like achemso?

Best Answer

The use of the achemso package is recommended when using the achemso bibliography style as it provides a convenient interface to alter the control values used by the style. However, it's perfectly possible to use the bibliography style without the package. To do that, the key thing to bear in mind is that it's a numbered natbib style, and so you should be loading the natbib package with the numbers option

  author = {Colin D. Abernethy and Gareth M. Codd and Mark D. Spicer
    and Michelle K. Taylor},
  title = {{A} highly stable {N}-heterocyclic carbene complex of
    trichloro-oxo-vanadium(\textsc{v}) displaying novel
    {C}l---{C}(carbene) bonding interactions},
  journal = {{J}. {A}m. {C}hem. {S}oc.},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {125},
  pages = {1128--1129},
  number = {5},
  doi = {10.1021/ja0276321},

If you want to be able to control the output of the bibliography, for example setting whether or not article titles are included, then you need to have a special 'control' database entry, and to cite this. That can be achieved in basically the same way the package works:

  author = {Colin D. Abernethy and Gareth M. Codd and Mark D. Spicer
    and Michelle K. Taylor},
  title = {{A} highly stable {N}-heterocyclic carbene complex of
    trichloro-oxo-vanadium(\textsc{v}) displaying novel
    {C}l---{C}(carbene) bonding interactions},
  journal = {{J}. {A}m. {C}hem. {S}oc.},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {125},
  pages = {1128--1129},
  number = {5},
  doi = {10.1021/ja0276321},
  ctrl-article-title  = "no",
  ctrl-chapter-title  = "no",
  ctrl-etal-number    = "15",
  ctrl-etal-firstonly = "yes",

or of course you can add the control entry to your main .bib file. Hopefully the control entries are clear enough.

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