[Tex/LaTex] How to update TikZ/PGF


I am searching a script that will do the following.

  1. Removing all old PGF/TikZ files in my local texmf tree
  2. Installation of all new PGF/TikZ in my local texmf tree of the csv repository:
    PGF and TikZ — Graphic systems for TeX –cvs
  3. Creating the new user manual based on the new files (The csv version provides a Makefile)

I have no favourite language.

The best way would be to have script for the platforms Unix / Mac / Windows — something like biber, whereby I use Unix.

I ask this question here because it's mostly PGF/TikZ related.

Best Answer

It's not a script but the method I use with OS X it's possible with Linux

I put the version CVS in my home. You have a PGF folder

 inside /tex/generic          
 inside /tex/latex  
 inside /tex/context 
 inside /tex/plain.

Personally I use only generic and latex.

You can get without CVS the files here sourceforge and you click on Download GNU tarball. You get pgf-pgf.tar.gz, you decompress and you install manually the folders.

To remove, it's possible to remove the folders "pgf" manually. Personally I compress (.zip) the folders and then I remove the uncompressed folders. If I have a problem with the new version, I decompress the archives (.zip)

For the manual with the CVS version :

  1. I get the sources sources via CVS (in the directory ~/pgf). I proceed like this :

    cd ~
    cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@pgf.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pgf co -P pgf
  2. then for the pgfmanual with pdftex

    cd ~/pgf/doc/generic/pgf/version-for-pdftex/en
  3. Create the folder 'plots' if this folder doesn't exist.

    mkdir plots
  4. You compile a first time:

    TEXINPUTS=".:~/pgf//:" make
  5. then you compile several times with :

    TEXINPUTS=".:~/pgf//:" make dist

    (You need to see if the links are fine. makefile uses the good texmf.cnf.)

    The link colors has been disabled by one of the PGF team (probably a matter of taste): you need to write colorlinks=true in the next file pgfmanual-en-main.tex:

    remark from Christian Feuersänger

      colorlinks=false, % use true to enable colors below:
      pdfborder=0 0 0,
  6. Now you can create pgfmathtestsuite.pdf via :

    cd ~/pgf/generic/pgf/testsuite/mathtest
    pdflatex pgfmathtestsuite.tex
  7. Finally you can create an archive TDS via :

    cd ~; make -f pgf/scripts/pgf/Makefile.pgf_release

    You get three files :


Remark 1

With this method you don't have the part about the graphs. To get this section you need to use LuaLaTeX, but sometimes there are several problems. The last time, (15 days) It was not possible to get the entire manual. I get a part with pdflatex and another part with LuaLaTeX. You need to inspect the file pgfmanual-en-main.tex to see what you need to make.

Remark 2

I put on my site the version 25-04-2012 files + pgfmanual
