[Tex/LaTex] How to undo bold and italic text in braces


Is there a command to nullify, override or cancel any font style in the text in braces?

Something like:

\nullifystyle{sample text: \textit{this should be not italic} and \textbf{this should be not bold}}

\normalfont, \textnormal,\textup and \upshapedo the very opposite.
See: How to set not italic or not bold?

Use case: I need it to recall pieces of text from other part of the document, but to override the font style. A MWE would be:



\newcommand{\nullifystyle}{???} %is there already a command for this? or how to define it?

\newcommand{\textsample} {some normal text, \textit{some italic} and \textbf{some bold}}

Here I would like to write \textsample. \par

Here  \nullifystyle{\textsample} \ should be typed  totally with normal font style.


Best Answer

Locally redefine \selectfont not to honor changes in shape and series:




\nullifystyle{sample \emph{text}: \textit{this should be not italic}
  and \textbf{this should be not bold}\textsuperscript{test}}


enter image description here

It works the same if you use a macro like in your example

\newcommand{\sampletext}{sample \emph{text}: \textit{this should be not italic}
  and \textbf{this should be not bold}\textsuperscript{test}}

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