[Tex/LaTex] How to split an equation over two lines


I am new to LaTeX,

Here is my formula,


        \Delta (h)_{T+S} =
        \prod_{j=1}^{N} \left[\frac {P(x^j,y^j|\theta_{paired})} 
        P(bp_{x^j,y^j}|pbp_{x^{j-1},y^{j+1}}) P(dl_{x^j})  
        P(dl|sl) P(sr) P(dr|sr)}\right]}

I want the equation to be split over two lines, how can I do this?
I tried, multline, align*, split, alignedat, nothing seems to work. Please help me with this. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Here there is my proposal to split your equation.

EDIT: The slight change in my code is due an additional \cdot.

enter image description here

\Delta (h)_{T+S} & =\prod_{j=1}^{N} \left[\frac {P(x^j,y^j|\theta_{\mathrm{paired}})} 
{P(x^j,y^j|\theta_{\mathrm{unpaired}})}\right] \\
& \cdot \left[\frac{P(bp)_{x^j,y^j} 
P(bp_{x^j,y^j}|pbp_{x^{j-1},y^{j+1}}) P(dl_{x^j}) P(dl_{x^j}|pdl_{x^{j-1}})P(dr_{y^j})P(dr_{y^j}|pdr_{y^{j+1}})}{P(sl) 
P(dl|sl) P(sr) P(dr|sr)}\right]