[Tex/LaTex] How to specify a fixed height for all rows in a table


I have something like this:


\begin{tabular}{| c | C{3cm} | C{4cm} |}
Short Text & Short Text & Short Text \\ \hline
Short Text & Short Text & Loooooooooooooooooooooong Text \\ \hline 

which would make the second row have a wider height. Then how do I specify a fixed height for all rows in my table?

Best Answer

I don't know what are the specifications you want but if you want to have the same height in each rows :




 >{\vbox to 5ex\bgroup\vfill\centering}%

\begin{tabular}{|c | C{3cm} | C{5cm} |} 
 Short Text & Short Text & Short Text \tabularnewline \hline
Short Text  & Short Text & Loooooooooo  oooooooooooong Text \tabularnewline \hline  
Short Text  & Short Text & Loooooooooooooooooooooong Text \tabularnewline \hline 

enter image description here

Interesting links about tables : firstly, a document can be found here TableTricks.pdf, interesting also is the wiki page Tables on wiki

2) A new approach perhaps more easy to modify is :


\def\mystrut(#1,#2){\vrule height #1 depth #2 width 0pt}


\begin{tabular}{|c | C{3cm} | C{4cm} |} 
Short Text & Short Text & Short Text \tabularnewline \hline
Short Text  & Short Text & Loooooooooooooooooong Text \tabularnewline \hline  

In this solution it's more easy to place the text. You need only to modify heightand depth for the strut.

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