[Tex/LaTex] How to send an email with LaTeX


Risking of this question being closed, I'm just wondering if any of your use —or know— of any email platform that supports writing in LaTeX.

I made a quick search around the site and found this question:

LaTeX on Gmail (GmailTex?)

So I'm guessing Gmail is not supporting it… or at least that seemed so as of 2012. Maybe this changed in the last year?

But what about other services? Do you know if Yahoo!, hotmail, or any other in particular is capable of handling it? How do you send e-mails with LaTeX?

PS: Using an editor and then attaching the pdf is not a valid answer 😛

Best Answer

On some browsers you can install an extension called Markdown Here, which is capable of rendering markwdown syntax into HTML in some rich-editing boxes. In particular it works with the Google Mail composing message box.

Admittedly, markdown is not LaTeX, but you get anyway a simple and familiar syntax (it is the one used here at stackexchange) to format your messages. In addition, it supports TeX equations (you surround them with dollars), but the method is sub-optimal, since it calls google to render them (did you know that google can render TeX math into images? I didn't) and paste a link to the resulting image. This feature is disabled by default for privacy issues.

Here is a pair of screenshots of the compose box, first while I write the message:


Then after converting it (Ctrl-Alt-M or toolbar button):


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