[Tex/LaTex] How to remove spacing between figure and caption in the beamer class


i'm creating a presentation with the latex beamer class and want to change the spacing between the figure and the caption. I think it is to large at the moment.



\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[triangle]


\begin{frame}{Tresholding - OpenCV-Methoden}

        \caption{Otsu Tresholding}
        \caption{Adaptive Tresholding}



How could that be achieved?
Here is an image of the slide:

Image of a slide with the spacing marked

Best Answer

The proper way to do this is to redefine \abovecaptionskip so the change in vertical spacing will consistently apply to all the captions; in the example below I used


but you can change the value in the argument according to your needs.



\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[triangle]



\begin{frame}{Tresholding - OpenCV-Methoden}

        \caption{Otsu Tresholding}
        \caption{Adaptive Tresholding}



The result:

enter image description here

The line \PassOptionsToPackage{demo}{graphicx} simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; delete that line in your actual document.