[Tex/LaTex] How to remove logo from a footline in Beamer


In PaloAlto theme a logo is inserted into the footline. It is too big and doesn't look good. How can I remove it, without destroying all the template?

 \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

    \includegraphics[height = 0.8cm]{Slonko.png}
    \includegraphics[height = 0.8cm]{logo_pw_white_v2.png}
 \title [App]{Application}
 \author[a]{author1 \inst{1}}
 \institute{\inst{1} Institute}




Title page

I want to have logos in the sidebar and remove them from the footline.

Best Answer

The logo in the foot line seems to be hardcoded in beamerthemelined (which is an old, deprecated theme) and not easily removable. You could copy the source code to your file and edit the logo out. The corresponding command is \usebeamertemplate*{logo}. You could set the logo template to empty, but this would remove the logo everywhere. The bigger logo in the upper left corner is inserted using \insertlogo which is simply defined to \usebeamertemplate*{logo}. So you could do the following hack: set the logo template to empty and redefine \insertlogo to insert the logo directly. This offends the theme interface of beamer but works OK in my test.

 \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

    \includegraphics[height = 0.8cm]{Slonko}
    \includegraphics[height = 0.8cm]{logo_pw_white_v2}
 \title [App]{Application}
 \author[a]{author1 \inst{1}}
 \institute{\inst{1} Institute}


