[Tex/LaTex] How to reduce space between header and text


I m using mdframed as header. Now i want to reduce the space between header and first line on page. How can i reduce the space?

 \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry}
 \fancyhf{} % sets both header and footer to nothing 


 \definecolor{textcol}{rgb}{.118, .565, 1.00}   

 \parbox[t]{0.333\textwidth}{\raggedright XXX }% 
 \parbox[t]{0.333\textwidth}{\centering \thepage}%  
 \parbox[t]{0.333\textwidth}{\raggedleft YYY} 

Some text 


Best Answer

You can do it with reducing headsep using geometry package.

 \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1cm, right=1cm,headsep=4pt]{geometry}  %% adjust here
 \fancyhf{} % sets both header and footer to nothing 


 \definecolor{textcol}{rgb}{.118, .565, 1.00}   

 \parbox[t]{0.333\textwidth}{\raggedright XXX }% 
 \parbox[t]{0.333\textwidth}{\centering \thepage}%  
 \parbox[t]{0.333\textwidth}{\raggedleft YYY} 

Some text 


However, reducing headsep will spoil the consistency and elegance.

enter image description here