[Tex/LaTex] How to put the navigation bar in one line using beamerthemesplit


I'm using a beamerthemesplit package in beamer to create slides for presentation. I get a header with 2 split columns (1 on the left for section, 1 on the right for subsection's name). My problem is I want the section to be expanded horizontally instead of vertically. I mean I want the section's name to go from left to right instead of up to down, followed by the subsection's name below of the section name.

I know I'll get 2 columns because I use beamerthemesplit. But I still want to use this because I like the color and the overall output. And I want the section to go from left to right because I dont want the bar to go wider as I have many sections.

Simply say, I'm trying to get an output looks like this.

Best Answer

  1. According to the beamer user guide, the split theme is still included only for compatibility reasons; you should refrain from choosing it if you're using a recent version of the beamer package.

  2. You can get pretty close to your linked file's appearance with the following preamble:


If you only use sections (no subsections), then the only difference with your linked file will be in the footline, which is not split in two colors. (If you do use subsections, you will see a second line in the headline, with dots representing frames.)

The user guide (beameruserguide.pdf, usually located in your TEXMF tree at the path doc/latex/beamer) provides in its Part III a nice visual description of all themes, together with more fine-tuning options for your presentation's appearance.

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