[Tex/LaTex] How to produce this tree diagram in LaTeX


I want to create the tree diagram shown below in TeX code (with the Level 1… level 3 by the side of the tree diagram). Also, I would like to know how to just put bullet points under a box. For example, Level 3 instead of Max Size, Casting Complexity, etc… I want it listed as bullet points from Product Development capability.

Any help would be greatly appeciated.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Just for the record, the tree as produced using the powerful forest package; notice the economy in code:



for tree={
  minimum height=2cm,
  child anchor=north
[{Supplier\\Selection}, align=center, name=SS
  [{Production\\Development\\Capability}, name=PDC
    [Max Size, name=MS]
    [{Min. Sec.\\Thickness}]
    [{Software\\ Aid}]
  [{Cost and \\Time}
  at ([xshift=-2cm]MS.west) {Level 3\\Criteria};
  at ([xshift=-2cm]MS.west|-PDC) {Level 2\\ Group Criteria};
  at ([xshift=-2cm]MS.west|-SS) {Level 1\\Overall Objective};


enter image description here