[Tex/LaTex] How to print the section name without the section number in a fancyhdr header


I've copied a code to have a header that prints the section name on the left and my name on the right:


\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}


\lhead{\fancyplain{}{\rightmark }} 

The problem is that it prints the section number as well, which I don't want. I've experimented with removing the 1's in the code but that doesn't work.

Best Answer

\thesection prints the section number (preceded by the chapter number, if you use a class that can include chapters, such as book). Get rid of it and of the following control space (\) and you obtain the desired output:

enter image description here



\lhead{\fancyplain{}{\rightmark }} 
