[Tex/LaTex] How to print “~” in order to put text above it


How do I put text over symbols? gives some very good answers to placing text above a symbol (=), which works for many other symbols which as +, @ etc. However none of the solutions work for ~, I had to resort to \sim (see picture) to get the desired result.

Why do these not work?


$\Lambda \stackrel{s}{~} A$

(Again, replacing ~ with \sim worked.)


 % \newcommand\myeq{\stackrel{\mathclap{\normalfont\mbox{s}}}{\sim}}

    $\Lambda \stackrel{s}{~} A$

    $\Lambda \stackrel{s}{\sim} A$

    $\Lambda \myeq A$    

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Best Answer

~ is a special character in TeX System, an active character which usually represents non-breakable space. I does not print the symbol "~". The corect tilde symbol is printed with \sim.