[Tex/LaTex] How to position the paper’s authors’ addresses on the front page (maketitle)


When I use the following code for the title page of a paper (please see below), the authors' addresses and emails appear on the last page of the paper. However I need them to appear on the first-title page (after the authors' names before the abstract). How can I do this?

\documentclass [reqno, 12pt ]{amsart}

\title[paper]{Nice paper}

\author{my friend}

\keywords{XXX }



Best Answer

changing the positioning of addresses in amsart is nontrivial.

here i have adapted the code used for an existing journal that has a style similar to what has been requested. the result is not perfect; for one author, the address is placed on a separate line, but for more than one author, the addresses are strung out after the associated author name. i haven't analyzed this sufficiently to determine how long it would take to change robustly, but i have run out of time.

i hope this is useful.


    \@tempcnta=\z@  \@tempcntb=\z@
    \ifnum\@tempcnta>\@ne \ifnum\@tempcntb=\@ne
  \let\author\@iden \let\address\@gobbletwo
    \nxandlist{\unskip, }{\unskip{} and~}{\unskip, and~}}%
  \begingroup \let\and\relax \let\author\@gobble
  \def\address##1##2{\unskip\\[10pt] \itshape##2}%
    \def\address##1##2{ ({\itshape##2}\/)}
      {\\[\baselineskip] \textsc{\lowercase{and}}\\[\baselineskip]}
      \authors % macro to operate on
  \ifx\@empty\shortauthors \let\shortauthors\shorttitle
      \nxandlist{\unskip, }{\unskip{ }\@@and{ }}{\unskip, \@@and{ }}}%
  \ifx\@empty\addresses\else \@footnotetext{\@setotheraddresses}\fi
  \ifx\@empty\authors \else \@setauthors \fi
    \dimen@34\p@ \advance\dimen@-\baselineskip
} % end \@maketitle
    \emph{Current address\@ifnotempty{##1}{ of ##1}}:\space
    \emph{E-mail address\@ifnotempty{##1}{ of ##1}}:\space
    \emph{WWW address\@ifnotempty{##1}{ of ##1}}:\space


\title[paper]{Nice paper}

\author{my friend}

\keywords{XXX }



some text here.


some text to force second page, to check running head


output of example code