[Tex/LaTex] How to plot piecewise and step functions


I have found this code with some of the functions I want to use:


    % Scriptsize axis style.
    \pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},font=\scriptsize,ylabel near ticks,xlabel near ticks,grid=major}}

        \subfigure[Logistic sigmoid activation function.]{
                    \addplot[blue,smooth] {1/(1+exp(-x))};
                    \addlegendentry{Logistic sigmoid}
        \subfigure[Hyperbolic tangent activation function.]{
                    \addplot[blue,smooth] {tanh(x)};
                    \addlegendentry{Hyperbolic tangent}
        \subfigure[Logistic sigmoid activation function.]{
                    \addplot[blue,smooth] {1/(1 + abs(x))};
        \subfigure[Rectified hyperbolic tangent activation function.]{
                    \addplot[blue,smooth] {abs(tanh(x))};
                    \addlegendentry{Rectified $\tanh$}
            \caption[Sigmoidal activation functions.]{Common used activation functions include the logistic sigmoid $\sigma(z)$ and the hyperbolic tangent $tanh(z)$. More recently used activation functions are the softsign and the rectified hyperbolic tangent.}

I want to replace the last two by these two:
enter image description here

I just don't know how to make it, even though I have read the other posts, I am still note able to make it work.

Best Answer

For the first of those you can use

\addlegendimage{ultra thick,blue}
\addplot[ultra thick,blue,mark=*,mark options={fill=white},samples at={-1.1,0}] {0};
\addplot[ultra thick,blue,mark=*,samples at={0,1.1}] {0.5};

in an axis where the x limits are -1 and 1. The purpose of the \addlegendimage is only to get a legend without markers.

The second one can be made with

\addplot[blue,ultra thick] coordinates {(-1.1,-1) (-0.2,-1) (0.2,1) (1.1,1)};

with the same x-limits. Adjust -0.2/0.2 to your liking.

As the subfigure package is considered deprecated, I switched to the subfig package and the \subfloat command.

partial output of code

% Scriptsize axis style.
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},font=\scriptsize,ylabel near ticks,xlabel near ticks,grid=major}}

    \subfloat[Logistic sigmoid activation function.]{
                \addplot[blue,smooth] {1/(1+exp(-x))};
                \addlegendentry{Logistic sigmoid}
    \subfloat[Hyperbolic tangent activation function.]{
                \addplot[blue,smooth] {tanh(x)};
                \addlegendentry{Hyperbolic tangent}
    \subfloat[Logistic sigmoid activation function.]{
                \addlegendimage{ultra thick,blue}
                \addplot[ultra thick,blue,mark=*,mark options={fill=white},samples at={-1.1,0}] {0};
                \addplot[ultra thick,blue,mark=*,samples at={0,1.1}] {0.5};
    \subfloat[Rectified hyperbolic tangent activation function.]{
                \addplot[blue,ultra thick] coordinates {(-1.1,-1) (-0.2,-1) (0.2,1) (1.1,1)};
                \addlegendentry{Rectified $\tanh$}
        \caption[Sigmoidal activation functions.]{Common used activation functions include the logistic sigmoid $\sigma(z)$ and the hyperbolic tangent $tanh(z)$. More recently used activation functions are the softsign and the rectified hyperbolic tangent.}