[Tex/LaTex] How to place text with tikz under beamer at an absolute position on the slide


I want to place some text on a beamer slide next to a figure. The problem is that if I simply use tikzpicture environment, LaTeX places the text after whatever is placed before, be it hidden or shown. How can I tell tikz to use page coordinates and not count whatever it counts from the current position?

Minimal working example. Apparently, this has something to do with my choose of columns.



      \only <1>{
          \node at (0,0) {a};
      \only <2>{
          \node at (0,0) {b};
      \only <3>{
          \node at (0,0) {c};

When I compile this, 'a', 'b', and 'c' doesn't appear on the same place but rather one after the other .

Best Answer

Your text contains spaces that are outside of the scope of the \only commands, namely the newlines after the final brace of \only{...}. To remove these you need to add a final % sign:


Your complete code will then be something like:

Sample output



      \only <1>{
          \node at (0,0) {a};
      \only <2>{
          \node at (0,0) {b};
      \only <3>{
          \node at (0,0) {c};