[Tex/LaTex] How to Override the Default Float Restrictions of Table and Figure


In brief, the [h!] option to override the default float restrictions for tables and figures does not appear to work.

I am trying to insert a table that takes up a whole page. Due to its size, I have had to define it as a sidewaystable as follows:

      Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 & Column 4 \\
    \caption{A Caption}

No matter what I try to do, LaTeX always places it at the end of the document, after my bibliography (i.e. references). What's worse is that any table that I define after this, no matter how big or small, is also placed at the end of the document (after the problematic table).

I seem to have a similar problem with figures. While the [h!] option places some figures immediately after the paragraph I have referenced them in (as expected), LaTeX places other figures one or two pages following the referencing paragraph.

If it helps any, I am using the following document class:

\documentclass[JMC]{degruyter-journal}   % Journal of Mathematical Cryptology

I am also using the following packages:


Best Answer

I've found the following set of instructions works well in the circumstances you describe; I use the \afterpage command provided by the afterpage package.

\begin{sidewaystable} % no need for the [h] or even [h!] specifier
\centering % better than \begin{center} ... \end{center}
\caption{xyz} \label{tab:xyz}
\clearpage } % note the "}" to denote the end of the argument of \afterpage

The key is the use of \clearpage commands both before and after the sideways{figure/table} environment.

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