[Tex/LaTex] How to not place a `figure*` at next page


In writing a paper in the revtex4-1 class. I have several wide pictures that I include with the figure* environment. On the last page there is already a figure on top that was included with the usual figure environment. I want another figure* to be placed at bottom of the same page. This seems impossible since figure* is always placed on the next page.
My problem is that the bibliography, that is included with \bibliography{my_bib} at the end of the file, now already starts before the last wide figure is placed.
I tried already several positioning commands, but the float package doesn't seems to work with figure*. Also a \printfigures command before including the bibliography didn't change anything.

I also tried hacks like \onecolumngrid and \twocolumngrid or the widepage environement.
I could force the bibliography to appear after the last picture with the \FloatBarrier command provided by the placeins package. But this now just leaves a blank space at the position where the bibliography appeared before, instead of placing the picture there.

Best Answer

Evidently revtex4-1 doesn't allow floats on the bottom of pages, at least it sets \bottomnumber to 0 and \bottomfraction to .09. If you don't mind incurring the wrath of the revtex4-1 gods, this can be corrected.


